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Rope netting, as provided by FeelNets, is a versatile material used in various applications due to its strength, durability, and adaptability. Here are some key applications of rope netting:

Safety Barriers and Guardrails

Rope netting is commonly used as safety barriers or guardrails in elevated spaces like lofts, balconies, and staircases. The netting acts as a protective barrier, preventing falls and ensuring the safety of people, especially in homes with children or pets. This application is particularly popular in modern interior designs where lofts or suspended platforms are used.

Playgrounds and Recreational Areas

In playgrounds and adventure parks, netting is used to create climbing structures, swings, and obstacle courses. The nets are strong enough to support the weight of children and provide a safe environment for play. These structures are often designed to be interactive, encouraging physical activity and imaginative play.

Architectural and Decorative Elements

Rope netting can be used as a decorative element in both indoor and outdoor spaces. It can serve as a room divider, a decorative ceiling feature, or as part of a nautical-themed interior design. The aesthetic appeal of such netting lies in its texture and the ability to create unique visual effects.

filet mezzanine

Sports Facilities

In sports facilities, rope nets are used for various purposes, including as protective barriers around sports fields or courts, and as netting for goals or other equipment. The durability and strength of the nets ensure they can withstand high-impact activities.

Marine and Nautical Applications

Rope netting is widely used in marine settings, such as on boats or docks, due to its resistance to saltwater and weather conditions. It is often used for tasks like rigging, cargo netting, and as safety nets on decks, providing both functional and safety benefits in harsh marine environments.

Animal Enclosures and Aviaries

Rope netting is also used in creating enclosures for animals, including aviaries. The netting provides a safe, enclosed space while allowing for airflow and visibility. This application is common in zoos, wildlife parks, and even in domestic settings for pets.

Custom and Creative Installations

Due to its customizable nature, rope netting can be tailored for unique and creative installations. This might include creating hammocks, suspended beds, or even as part of art installations where the netting serves both functional and aesthetic purposes.

Overall, netting’s versatility allows it to be adapted for a wide range of applications, from safety and recreation to decoration and marine use, making it an essential material in various industries and settings.

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Des filets de protection installés sur un lit superposé.Un couple se lance dans des projets de rénovation et d'aménagement de sa maison.